You and Your Team


Play a Game of Quartets with Your Team

Medication Safety is an important part of healthcare protocols. Unfortunately, health care institutions have the greatest difficulty in keeping their health care workers sharply aware that the rules are being followed up properly. By playing a simple game, it’s easy to re-engage your team members with the current standards of Medication Safety.

Quartets in Singapore

As of April 2019, Singapore has launched its own version of the quartet game for their nursing staff. If you would like more information please contact the director of Serious Games Asia through or by phone: +65 8102 3826

The power of in-depth knowledge

Lack of up-to-date knowledge on Medication Safety is a common problem on the work floor. Combined with the ever-present work pressure mistakes are easily made. As a result of this, teams do not function properly and communication breaks down. Noncompliant behaviour is then no longer effectively addressed.

The Medication Safety Quartets Game gets healthcare professionals involved in education, in an almost intuitive way. I have, in collaboration with the Dutch Nursing Society identified seven areas where Medication Safety affects the work of the nurse. These are elaborated with the top four mistakes that are made on the work floor in dealing with these regulations.

The game includes an extensive explanation on the medication regulations. The Dutch Nursing Society recommends this game as a way of engaging professionals in medication safety compliance.

Do you know what the rules and guidelines are for distributing medicine? And when the national guidelines have recently been amended, are you aware of this? Play the Quartet Medication Safety game with your colleagues and renew and increase your grip on your profession.

>> Send message to Richard Jorna, developer